Portrait 35: Talk Show

"I learn more about myself every day." - Talk Show, a hiker

In the infamous White Mountains, Talk Show stopped on a wet, slanted rock to have a conversation with me. Since he's hiking the opposite direction, we talked a little about upcoming terrain and water. And we also talked about people.

It's not uncommon for thru hikers to really be honest with themselves and with others. From people living out their dreams to people just trying to stave off suicide, many people out here open up quickly about who they are and why they've chosen to spend several months hiking in the mountains. There's often a real sense of vulnerability and authenticity in hiker culture, and that gives a glimpse deep into another human's core.

And if we're willing to pay attention, that also teaches us about ourselves and about getting through life as a human.

"There are great people everywhere. I learn more about myself every day."


Portrait 36: Tin Man


Portrait 34: Cocoa