About Mike

My name is Mike. I’m a survivor of an abusive relationship, which ended with narrowly escaping a murder attempt. The ensuing PTSD found me living a friend’s spare bedroom. I rarely left that bedroom. In 2019, I read a study which said that time in nature can help with depression. I went for a hike that weekend at a county park, and I felt a little less awful the next morning. I started hiking weekly, then daily, then bought a tent so I wouldn’t have to waste time driving back and forth to the trails. I also bought a camera so I could share all of the beautiful moments I was experiencing.

My growing obsession with hiking became intertwined with my relentless quest for healing and redemption, and I spent as much time outdoors as possible. As a hiker, I have hiked in 48 states - including the entire Triple Crown. As a photographer, my work has appeared everywhere from local newspapers to the United States Congress.